Another word for many years ago
Another word for many years ago

another word for many years ago

You will always be words that will appear again and again. However, no matter how hard you do not learn, English is living with us and grow with us. You will be much easier if you know a few hundred of the most common words than a couple thousand of those who rarely used. In this case the working principle of «less is more». In any case, you need not only to expand the vocabulary, but to do it efficiently. The face of 70 000 words a person can be called the «linguistically gifted.» In the liabilities it may be two or even three times as much. In general, an active vocabulary of an educated person is between 10 and 20 thousand words. But it will require written five thousand more words. If we talk about reading in English, for the reading comprehension will need another figure - 3000-4000 words. They are, in theory, should provide almost 100% of the normal perception of speech.


How to determine how many words in the English language, you must learn to hold it bearable? According to estimates linguists srednestaticheskogo man enough to operate in 1500 most common words in order to communicate in everyday life. It is clear that all of them do not know no one will ever be. Words, then certainly more than a million. That is, the path is not easy, but the reward is worth it - the opportunity to be listed in the vocabulary of the English language! By the way, to be fixed and get the status of «new» words, he has to start pomelkat in the media and social networks at least 25 thousand times. Now we know the answer to the question, how many words in the English language. The video and information about millions of words, his five predecessors, and a follower (the truth, it’s all in English) can be seen on the same resource, only under a different reference: -announced. In fact, a very interesting video about why English is so calm and just borrow words from different languages, as well as to easily create their own. If your level of English is high enough, you can watch a video interview at the BBC takes a leading linguist Professor David Crystal.

another word for many years ago

If you are interested in the activities of the company «Global Language Monitor», you can watch its progress, add to your page in social networks, for this you will need the following link:. But the million mark was crossed on June 10 last year in 10.22, when the company recorded another new word Web 2.0, indicating a new generation of world-wide computer network.

another word for many years ago

And according to statistics, a new word in the English language comes every 98 minutes (day 14.7 words). So how many words in the English language at the moment? According to GLM, English is now 1 million has 4910 words. GLM allows for words listed in the common English Dictionary (Oxford English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s, Macquarie’s), calculates the new language of education in the print and electronic media, scientific literature, blogs, in social networks. This operates the organization began seven years ago. We are talking about the company «Global Language Monitor» (GLM), which monitors and records the distribution of words in the English language around the world. However, we will rely on information provided by a specific organization based in Texas, USA. And someone on the contrary counts all along, given the slang, terms, specialized vocabulary. Someone thinks it should be considered only words without taking into account their word forms. The unequivocal answer to this question does not exist, as there is no uniform system of counting the words in the English language.


Only here’s the catch: almost everyone who studies English, ask questions, and how many words in the English language, and a number of them need to know to make free use of English in real life? Let’s look at what people think about this linguists. Then skillfully combining the necessary words with certain rules, we begin to speak in English and understand the English language, both oral and written. Increasing your level of proficiency, we try to expand our vocabulary as efficiently as possible.

another word for many years ago

When learning any language, including English, the lion’s share is devoted to the process of memorizing vocabulary.

Another word for many years ago